Our therapy staff is committed to using effective, evidence-based treatments, such as Trauma-Focused Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT) and Seeking Safety. These treatment models have been proven successful in helping children and parents learn new skills in responding to traumatic life events, improve family communication, manage behavior problems, and decrease the risk for future harm.
Trauma is a multi-sensory experience and is better healed using a multi-sensory treatment approach. As such, we incorporate multi-sensory integration into our treatment plans when appropriate, using our multi-sensory experience (MSE) room.
Please contact us if your family needs help recovering from:
- Physical abuse - Sexual abuse or exploitation - Emotional abuse - Neglect - Domestic or family violence (including high conflict divorce) - Child endangerment (including parental substance abuse) - Child abduction - School and community violence (including bullying) - Community hate crimes and acts of terrorism
If you would like to know more about Trauma- Informed services, please call.