Signs A Student May Benefit from SBFC A student may benefit from School Based Family Counseling (SBFC) if any of the following are present: - Appearing sad, shy, withdrawn, disengaged, fatigued or worried - Lack of compliance and/or aggression with authority - Attendance and/or tardiness issues - Disturbing the learning of others - Aggression with peers (hitting, pushing, yelling, biting) - Trouble making friends (social isolation, lack of social skills, bullying) - Neighborhood or community violence or disaster - Parenting concerns (parent mental health or substance use issues, parenting skills, jail time) - Home issues or transitions (new sibling, parental divorce, move to new home, homelessness) - Grief and Loss (foster care, absent parent, death of loved one, other trauma) - Disruptive behaviors (won’t sit still, throwing items, “class clown”) - As indicated by Universal Screening - Any time a suspected child abuse report (SCAR) has been filed