Heal Play Love University- What is Repetition Compulsion? - Breaking Bad Relationship Patterns #mypickersbroken
Is your picker broken? Do you perpetually find yourself in toxic, narcissistic or otherwise dysfunctional relationships?
I'm being transparent with you in telling you that I have struggled with the same issue. I can't tell you that I will ever know for sure if all of my personal work has fully paid off because I'm not lookin' to do any pickin' any time soon. However, I will tell you that my heart feels healed from the patterns created in my childhood: that of trying hard to earn love and gobbling up crumbs of attention. It's a process that requires diligence, bravery and patience.
And lots of compassion for self. If you are struggling with the same, I fell ya, my friend. It's a self-defeating pattern- but once we figure out we're on that spin cycle, we can change it!! I kept saying 'repetition trauma' and I was trying to think of 'repetition compulsion,' but they basically are the same thing. It's when we repeat a trauma in our current life situation- it's why we have self-destructive patters in life and why we attract the jerks / drama queens/ losers/ etc. into our lives.... but really, they are just people who haven't dealt with their own trauma and coping skills.
Heal Play Love University (formerly Can We Talk) is a therapy channel on youtube where we discuss, well... therapy stuff. Licensed marriage and family therapist (LMFT), Director & Clinical Supervisor, Melinda Haynes will discuss random topics and answer questions.
Melinda Haynes, MA, LMFT lic no 102308 Author and Instructor for the first online National Supervised Visitation Monitor Certification, a training course for future providers of court-ordered visitation https://www.supervisedvisitationtraining.com/ Questions you would like answered in a video? Contact me at [email protected]
Heal Play Love University (formerly 'Can We Talk?') is a youtube channel dedicated to psychology, therapy, relationships, healthy living, well-being and the like.
This channel should not be considered therapy, nor a substitute for therapy. If you need help with any mental, emotional, family or relational struggle, please seek help from a qualified professional in your area.