School-Based Family Counseling Services May Include
School Based Family Counseling (SBFC), School Based Mental Health Services (SBMHS) or Educationally Related Mental Health Services (ERMHS) may include: - Assessment (behavioral, emotional, social, risks, strengths, diagnostic) - Treatment plan including measurable behavior goals - Individual and family counseling Student observation - Environmental assessments with strategies for improvement - Collaboration with Teacher, School Counselor, Guidance Specialist, etc. - IEP, ILP / 504 Plan, SST and/or SARB support - Participation in your school's Specialized Behavior Support Team/s (SBST) - Liaison between parent and school regarding needs of child - Home visits and/or parent-child interaction sessions - Group work (school climate, social-emotional skills, self-esteem, etc.) - Case management - Transportation for parents, to facilitate participation in family involvement - Data reports to measure effectiveness - Consulting, professional development, supplemental training services - Parent information / training events