Heal Play Love University- Healing From Emotional Trauma: One Major Trick You Haven't Heard Before
How do we heal from emotional trauma? By way of process, of course. One aspect of healing from emotional pain- whether recent or long ago- is to gain some perspective on it. While we want to heal, we don't want to ruminate (that means dwell or contemplate in a stuck kind of way). Feeling stuck sucks!! When we get stuck emotionally, it can affect every other aspect of our lives.
One way to unloosen and start to become unstuck is to gain a better perspective on things. You've heard the term, "You can't see the forest for the trees," right? The same concept applies to healing. When we only focus on that horrible life event (let's say a tree), you can't see the bigger picture (the forest). Once we get a different perspective (or view) of the event, situation, we may be able to see the path out- and perhaps even the beauty in the mosaic that is your life.
Heal Play Love University (formerly Can We Talk) is a therapy channel on youtube where we discuss, well... therapy stuff. Licensed marriage and family therapist (LMFT), Director & Clinical Supervisor, Melinda Haynes will discuss random topics and answer questions.
Melinda Haynes, MA, LMFT lic no 102308 Author and Instructor for the first online National Supervised Visitation Monitor Certification, a training course for future providers of court-ordered visitation https://www.supervisedvisitationtraining.com/ Questions you would like answered in a video? Contact me at [email protected]
Heal Play Love University (formerly 'Can We Talk?') is a youtube channel dedicated to psychology, therapy, relationships, healthy living, well-being and the like.
This channel should not be considered therapy, nor a substitute for therapy. If you need help with any mental, emotional, family or relational struggle, please seek help from a qualified professional in your area.