As part of your school's or district's Interconnected Systems Framework (ISF), the FCCS School-Based Family Counseling (SBFC) team can assist your campus in providing: (Scroll for downloadable brochure)
- social, emotional and behavioral support for low-income pupils and foster youth - PBIS and AB 114 (ERMHS) implementation - Early Mental Health support - positive overall School Mental Health (SMH) - teen parenting support - family interventions to foster increased well-being and school-to-home interaction
School-Based Family Counseling (SBFC) is an eclectic, strengths-based approach to counseling that works with the school and family (or caregiver/s) to help the child achieve greater success.
MTSS/ RTI We are trained to participate as active members of your campus' Tier II and Tier III support system, helping you meet MTSS/ RTI requirements and support your LCAP and ADA goals.
We provide:
- evidence-based - trauma-informed - strengths-based - culturally sensitive - social, emotional, behavioral mental health interventions that help children overcome barriers to success.
Reducing social-emotional barriers to increase student learning. Social Emotional Learning (SEL) has been proven to increase children's success in school and in life: - increase academic performance - improve attitudes about school - increase positive behaviors - reduce negative behaviors (source: (
PBIS is about:
- improving classroom and school climate - decreasing reactive management - maximizing academic achievement - improving support with students with EBD - integrating academic and behavior initiatives (source: