Strike a Posture Pose Please speak with your doctor before starting any physical activity.
Chin up, shoulders back, chest out, tummy in. Nothing improves your look, and possibly mood, faster than a quick poster pose. Correcting your posture will immediately make you look younger, taller, thinner and more confident. You will feel better, look better and gain a more positive attitude.
Posture can also play an important role in health and well-being. Proper posture can:
- improve your breathing, digestion and circulation - reduce muscle fatigue, back strain and shoulder tension - relieve or eliminate neck pain, back pain and recurrent headaches - improve your attitude and confidence
Have you ever tried sounding angry or sad with a big smile on your face? You can’t do it! The same holds true for having a good posture. The way you carry yourself will affect your perspective and enhance the way others see you. And the way you see yourself.
Notice the people around you. Those who walk around slumped over appear tired, worn-out and depressed. Conversely, those who walk tall and maintain good posture appear healthy, poised, self-assured, and personally centered.
Look at yourself in the mirror. Which category do you fall into? Practice having good posture in the mirror. Do you notice a difference in the energy you put off? Remain mindful of your posture throughout the day. If you find yourself slouching, correct the problem and remind yourself how great is for your body and mind.
In today's society of cell phones, computers and desk jobs, it's important that we take the time to straighten up. Remaining hunched over can cause back muscles to weaken and chest muscles (pectorals) to shorten. Stretching and readjusting our posture every half hour can help greatly.
Try this: Stretch your arms out in front of your body, then pull them back in a rowing motion. Stretch high over head; lift higher with the left arm, then with the right. Roll your shoulders around, push your shoulders back. Now breathe. Ahhhh...
Regular exercise that focuses on strengthening the muscles in your upper and lower abdominal area, shoulders, and back will help to improve your posture. Tai Chi and Pilates are great activities for improving posture. Don’t overlook the fantastic benefits of weight lifting to enhance your muscles and improve your posture.
So, what are you waiting for? Straighten up!
Back to LifeStyle Guide This information should not serve as a replacement for therapy. Please visit the Can Therapy Help Me page for more information if you think you may have an eating disorder, or should require individualized help.