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New Year, New You
Time to shout in a new year and a new era in your life- but slow down!
We do things differently here. No super-fast miracle schemes. (They don't work!) Instead, we will work on lasting change, using research and applied psychology.
This means, when other people are fizzling out on their 'resolutions' in a month or two, you will be just picking up steam!
Now, if you are ready to begin the journey, get on over to the FREE LifeStyle Guide homepage. You won't be taken off this site. We just needed a "New Year" landing page- marketing and all, you know. But before you leave, print out the handy flyer as a reminder or quick reference.
Oh, and Happy New Year!
This information should not serve as a replacement for therapy. Please visit the Can Therapy Help Me page for more information if you think you may have an eating disorder, or should require individualized help.