This information is provided for information only. FCCS is not endorsing any agency or service. No guarantee of availability or quality of services is implied.
Emergency (including mental health emergencies) Dial 911 in Butte County
Department of Employment and Social Services Access to government benefits such as employment services, CalFresh ("food stamps") and cash assistance. 530-879-3845
Early Start for children birth-36 months with developmental delays Harm Reduction and Legal Center 1112 Mangrove Avenue pro bono legal help for those facing homelessness
Butte County Resources (food, housing, health, etc.) Dial 211 from your phone or Search online at
Butte County Department of Behavioral Health Crisis Line Assistance for people who are at-risk or who are currently having a mental health crisis. 1-800-334-6622
Butte County Public Health Department Chico and Oroville Family planning, STD testing, pregnancy, breast cancer detection, immunizations, TB testing, employment exams, etc.
Families Change Guides for Separation & Divorce for Kids, Teens & Parents
Oroville Rescue Mission Transitional housing, vocational training, resources, Bible-based drug and alcohol recovery. 530-533-9120
Chico Rescue Mission Transitional housing, vocational training, resources, Christ-centered drug and alcohol recovery. 530-343-1935
HOPE Center Meals, emergency food and clothing, food boxes monthly (waiting list), faith-based recovery, home of ACADC (Association of Christian Alcohol and Drug Counselors) 530-538-8398
Community Housing Improvement Program (CHIP) (list of low income housing in Chico, Gridley, Hamilton City, Live Oak, Marysville, Orland, Paradise, Red Bluff and Redding)
Rowell Family Empowerment Empowering people with diverse abilities and their families
Department of Employment and Social Services Access to government benefits such as employment services, CalFresh ("food stamps") and cash assistance. 530-879-3845
Harm Reduction and Legal Center 1112 Mangrove Avenue pro bono legal help for those facing homelessness
Butte County Public Health Department Family planning, STD testing, pregnancy, breast cancer detection, immunizations, TB testing, employment exams, etc.
Women's Health Specialists Well woman care, pregnancy tests, health counseling, birth control, STD screening, etc.
Rape Crisis Intervention Resources and counseling for victims of sexual assault. 24 hour Crisis Line 530-342-7273
California Youth Crisis Line Confidential hotline for youth 12-24 and/or for adults supporting youth 1-800-843-5200
School Ties Resources and assistance for homeless youth. 530-879-2328
Oroville Rescue Mission Transitional housing, vocational training, resources, Bible-based drug and alcohol recovery. 530-533-9120
HOPE Center Meals, emergency food and clothing, food boxes monthly (waiting list), faith-based recovery, home of ACADC (Association of Christian Alcohol and Drug Counselors) 530-538-8398
Hope Starts Here NAR-ANON support group for people affected by another's addiction. Wednesdays 7:00 pm- 8:00 pm Faith Lutheran Church, 667 E. First Ave, near Mangrove in Chico
Legal Self Help and Referral Program (SHARP) -- Chico Office 1775 Concord Avenue, Chico, CA 95928 (530) 532 - 7024 Provides assistance in the areas of family law, guardianship, evictions, small claims, name changes, guardianship, and restraining orders.
Community Housing Improvement Program (CHIP) (list of low income housing in Chico, Gridley, Hamilton City, Live Oak, Marysville, Orland, Paradise, Red Bluff and Redding)
HELP Program Homeless transportation assistance for reunification purposes.